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Advantage .NET Data Provider

Experience the only .NET Data Provider with relational access AND navigational operations
The Advantage .NET Data Provider is a managed provider that offers native data access to the Advantage Database Server and Advantage Local Server. The Advantage .NET Data Provider conforms to the ADO.NET data access model and creates a seamless interface between the Advantage Database Server or Advantage Local Server and any .NET development language including Visual Studio .NET, Borland C#Builder, and Borland Delphi 8 (Delphi for .NET).

  • Provides native client/server access to the high performance Advantage Database Server RDBMS
  • Supports data access via SQL as well as direct table access and server-side control unique to Advantage
  • Provides easier conversion to the .NET Framework than other database engines as Advantage supports both the expected disconnected recordset functionality in ADO.NET as well as direct navigational access to the database
  • Includes full server-based transaction processing to eliminate database corruption, drastically minimizing support costs
  • Provides complete referential integrity support including primary/foreign key definition and cascaded updates and deletes
  • Includes database security functionality and encryption support
  • Includes triggers that provide a powerful means to maintain business rules at the database level - independent of the client application
  • Designed especially for use with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Borland C#Builder and Borland Delphi 8 (Delphi for .NET). Includes support for the Visual Studio .NET component designer and the Borland Data Provider.